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I’ve been wanting to make an altered journal for awhile now, and I’ve found the perfect book!

It’s a hardback copy of a John Grisham novel…


in German.


It’s so effing cool. It even has little footnotes explaining the Americanisms (which I…neglected to get a picture of, whoops).

The best part is that I found it at my local Goodwill for a grand total of $1. It’s one of my best Goodwill finds – right up there with the Saturday Night Fever t-shirt and the Slimnastics record (because those things are essentials…yes).


Right now I’m in the process of gluing every second page together so they’re all sturdy enough to paint on if I want to. Well, and the book is nearly six hundred pages long and I don’t know that I can fill that many. It’s slow going because the gluing is so incredibly dull that I can only do it for so long before my brain starts to shut down, but I want to get the gross boring part out of the way before I start on the creative part (damn you responsible part of my brain! you never let me have any fun).

Pages will get posted as I do them. Or as I scan them, which, honestly, is more likely.